Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 1

I am a Cosplayer if you couldn’t tell by the title of my blog. I started this block to motivate my self to cosplay more, as well as work on individual projects more.
I have recently graduated from The Art Institute for Fashion Design and am still waiting for my Diploma to arrive in the mail. I have been cosplaying since 2004, starting on my own and then later joined with others. I currently cosplay with my best friend and roommate, her boyfriend and two of our other friends. I make all the costumes, with help from them. They hand sew, cut out fabric, paint, make sure I’m feed, remove spiders from the room, and have energy drinks in hand when needed. This year is my first year with such a big group of cosplayers that I have to make all the costumes for. That scares me because I us to only be responsible for making costumes for my best friend, lets call her Cake and my self. It was easy three costumes per con per person and I could pull that together amazingly in two weeks cause well with school and work I would procrastinate and be busy. Unfortunately since there is now Cake, Paradox, Plate Destroyer, Fluffy, and me Pink Bunnie I have a LOT more work for me to do. I try to make all my own patterns which takes time because I need to test them out before going to actual fabric. So I figure one complicated costume per con and two more simple costumes per con. This is only fare for me right? Cause it’s a lot of work that’s 15 costumes per con if all of us attend. I want to give detailed descriptions of the work I’m doing for the costumes as record as well as a helpful guide for others and to motivate my self to work on them EVERY single day, even a little bit. That’s all for now thank you for listening Pink Bunnie

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