So I have been working my self to the bone to get costumes finished for the con and it's paying off. Guardian Cosmos is the only trouble maker purely because of lack of reference images ( no colour ones) and I ran out of hooping so her bubble dose not bubble right T.T. I also will be beading till the last minute. Papillions wings are just fun, and then theres some snaps and buttons here and there.
We added 4 extra costumes ( super simple ones) like Paradox is doing Starfighters suet cause I was an idiot and was like why dose not he be Tuxedo Mask or Starfighter on Saturday as a joke... but he wined about not having anything to wear with us sat so I suggested it and ended up having to make a pair of pants for him to match to the coat he found. We also did up some Fate/Stay night costumes with the help of value Village ^_^ and some more sewing.
Our sweaters are getting done up tomorrow at Bang on with our logos!!! We will be adding our ranks for AE to the Coats ( Fallowing our StarTrek intro) [link] for those who haven't read it !!!
I will be showing my dress in a fashion show tomorrow !!!! GLEEEEEEEE I was hand picked for my purple Octopus Dress to represent Alexandre McQueen in a Fashion/Hair show for a fund raiser for the make a wish foundation. The women who chose me is doing a Alice in Wounderland meets Alexander McQueen theme ^_^ and since I can't let my dress out of my sight(its worth at least $10,000) I get to help out at the show and watch gahhh then I get to have the lovely lada <3
Cosplays For Sakura Con 2010
Shamanic Princess
Tsuzukikun : Tiara 100% Done
PinkBunnie: Lena 100% done
Fluffly: Leon 95% done
Paradox: Kagetsu 100% done
Tsuzukikun : Himawari Kunogi 100% done need cutting
PinkBunnie: yuko Ichihara 100% done
Costume Line up/Schedule for Sakura Con
Drive down to con
Wear Yuuko in after and pre-reg
Dinner and Movie
Wear Lili
Panels and fun
Wear Guardian Cosmos ( if I don't die beading her) moring
afternoon photoshoot
Wear Rin (Fate/Stay Night) in the Evening
Wear Lena Shamanic Princess
PD: Black Makona 100% done
Fluffly: Kimihiro Watanuki 100% done need cutting
Paradox: Shizuka Donmeki 100% done need cutting
Tekken 6
Tsuzukikun : Asuka 95% done
PinkBunnie: Lili 100% done
PD: Miguel Caballero Rojo
Paradox: Jin
Sailor Moon
Tsuzukikun : Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion 95% done
PinkBunnie: Guardian Cosmos 85% done
Paradox: Starfighter(red suet): 100% done
Fate stay Night:
Rin: 95% done
Sakura: 100% done
whats worth living for
Sunday, March 28, 2010
3 days
Pink Bunnie,
Pink Bunnie ink,
Reva Dawn,
sailor moon,
sakura con,
shamanic princess,
tekken 6,
Monday, March 15, 2010
16 days till con !!!!!!
Copied from My DA Journale I know I just haven't had the time lately so busy :( and depressed but here you are !!! there are some add ins
So we are near convention time again and cosplay stuff is organized and getting done I am proud to say !!!! I'm so excited for Sakura Con you can't even imagine
I've had a terrible week like just horrible so it was so nice to accomplish so much in one day even if they were all so close to being done that you could have hit me for not having them done already. I've been stressed and work is throwing me all over the schedule so my internal clock is like WTF. Mostly mornings with one closing and one late to train the new guy but still its like I would like to have some turn around time more then 7 hours till my next sift some times T.T I need wined down time and sleep time and get ready for work again time.
On another good note because I'm flexible and been helping a lot at work because people are leaving and coming and they said my work is so good... I put veggies out receive orders and wear-house stock ... not that hard at least you would think. But onto the point, I was given a ticket to the Canucks game last night EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! soooooo awesome they players are so much bigger in real life >.<>.<>.<
Paradox: Main guy
(to tired to remember or look up names)
1 large and 2small Timcanpy Plushes for Emerarudo-chan 100 % done
The Grave of Maria skirt 100% for =Emerarudo-chan
April Commissions and Costumes for Free Comic Book day at Elfsar Comics
Laser Pegasus: Gambit pants
Me : Scarlet Witch
whats worth living for
Pink Bunnie,
Reva Dawn,
sailor moon,
sakura con,
shamanic princess,
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
42 days till sakura con T.T
There is only 42 days left till sakura con and I've been working graveyards, I thought this would be easier to get my costumes done and avoid Olympic madness but I was wrong >.> I sleep eat and work. Eating dosent always happen T.T
I hibernate like a bear I swear I could sleep all day if the dam sun would stop shining in my gosh darn window.
other then that I'm tired and would really like to sew
Pink Bunnie - Sad
I hibernate like a bear I swear I could sleep all day if the dam sun would stop shining in my gosh darn window.
other then that I'm tired and would really like to sew
Pink Bunnie - Sad
Sunday, January 31, 2010
59 - Days till Sakura Con
Because of my hectic schedule I lost track of what Day I'm on and it's almost impossible for me to post EVERY day thats almost ridiculousness cause I would have to have no life to post every day.
Now getting on to It I have 59 days to go ( suicided comes to mind when I think of everything I'm doing >.> )
Shamanic Princess
I have finish sewing my dress for Lena, the coat just needs the straps and bow with flower, I need the wig and head band and contacts
Tiara still needs fabric
Leon needs fabric
Graham needs fabric
Kagatsu needs fabric
xxx Holic
Yuko, lining needs to be cut out, flowers need to be painted sew body and lining together and make necklace. Flowers have started to be painted and bodice has been died wig has arrived just need contacts.
The other characters are mostly cut out minus Makona he needs fabric and clown shoes
Tekken, the boys are purchasing most of their stuff and I've already started sewing lili Asuka needs her pattern just need to know what the back of it looks like >.>
sailor moon papillions coming along nicely but I haven't really started on cosmos :(
I'm getting the money for the dress commission on Tuesday get fabric and make pattern then start sewing I just need to make the tail for the plush and cut that out and do a test of it see how it turns out. Thinking of making the horns from sculpy and then gluing them on ???
Other then this is ridiculous and I should be shot I have some nice things going on in my life, but also have to start grave yards soon more money but crazyier reva >.>
Pink bunnie is hungry - no one fed me :(
Pink Bunnie,
Pink Bunnie ink,
Reva Dawn,
sailor moon,
sakura con,
shamanic princess,
Friday, January 22, 2010
Day 37 and 38 - 69 days till sakura con
Day 27 :
I got most of Lena done yay !!!! and then I sewed up the muslin for Papillions skirt and Tiara's dress woot I'm on a hot streak :D I'm feeling pretty confidentish not fully but I feel like I'm accomplishing more when I'm sewing, our actually putting the costume together. ummm I can't think of what else I did >.> other then put my desk together and put my diploma in a frame I have an office in my room now. At least I call it my office ^_^
Day 28:
I acquired some fabric paint to day for painting the flowers on the the kimono, and started painting one of the sleeve's it's been a while since I was able to paint anything. I miss the strokes of the paint brush on a surface and paint and paint brushes in hair and paint on hands I just really like painting. alas I won't have time to paint the entire kimono so that's where Aurora comes in she is our resident main artist when it comes to drawing were all artists of different calibers and mediums.
I'm pretty tired right now cant focus on this to well but I did'nt want to get to behind on posting so thats what I could think of for today.
Pink Bunnie - hitting the zzzz train
I got most of Lena done yay !!!! and then I sewed up the muslin for Papillions skirt and Tiara's dress woot I'm on a hot streak :D I'm feeling pretty confidentish not fully but I feel like I'm accomplishing more when I'm sewing, our actually putting the costume together. ummm I can't think of what else I did >.> other then put my desk together and put my diploma in a frame I have an office in my room now. At least I call it my office ^_^
Day 28:
I acquired some fabric paint to day for painting the flowers on the the kimono, and started painting one of the sleeve's it's been a while since I was able to paint anything. I miss the strokes of the paint brush on a surface and paint and paint brushes in hair and paint on hands I just really like painting. alas I won't have time to paint the entire kimono so that's where Aurora comes in she is our resident main artist when it comes to drawing were all artists of different calibers and mediums.
I'm pretty tired right now cant focus on this to well but I did'nt want to get to behind on posting so thats what I could think of for today.
Pink Bunnie - hitting the zzzz train
Pink Bunnie,
Pink Bunnie ink,
Reva Dawn,
sailor moon,
sakura con,
shamanic princess,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day 36 -71 days till sakura con
adding what I've done to this list doesn't feel like I've done a hole lot T.T and with only 71 days left I'm super scared. I have DnD tomorrow after noon but I'm going to try and power through as much as I can in the morning. I don't feel so good after eating kfc chicken :( apparently my body's making the change in my eating habits already I do drink a lot of water now and only ocashionaly have pop and even then its not as appetizing to me. YAY !!!!
Cosplays For Sakura Con 2010 Shamanic Princess :icontsuzukikun: Tsuzukikun : Tiara 15% done Dress pattern done Need -Shoe's for shoe pattern -Fabric, Zipper -Wig -Contacts -Cut and sew - Pink bows for hair
:iconpink-bunnie: PinkBunnie: Lena 30% done Have Fabric for coat and dress, two packs of skullpy for flute
Coat and dress are cut out Need -Contacts -Wig -Shoes -Head Band -3d circle things covered in fabric - sew -make flute :icondekhal: PD: Graham
Need -Pattern for tunic -Fabric -plaster to make mask -to make mask and arm claws -Shoes for feet claws -Cut and sew -Create strips for bandage wrapping Fluffly: Leon 15% done
Pattern Done Need: -Fabric and bias tape for jacket -White Pants -Shoes -Wig -Cut and sew
:iconhuxxxley: Paradox: Kagetsu 15% done
Pattern Done Need: -fabric -shoes -wig -Cut and sew
:icontsuzukikun: Tsuzukikun : Himawari Kunogi 25% done School Uniform pattern Done Need: -fabric -shoes -Wig -Cut and Sew -buttons
:iconpink-bunnie: PinkBunnie: yuko Ichihara
started sewing, made cut of flower need fabric paint Have kimono pattern, and pattern cut out, red fabric cut out Need -bow pattern -paint flower design -necklace pattern -purple bodice
:icondekhal: PD: Black Makona Need -Pattern -hooping on order -fabric -cut and sew -clown shoes for to make feet -large 3D half circle for jewel -some way to see out of makona
Fluffly: Kimihiro Watanuki 20% done School Uniform pattern Done Need -fabric -cut and sew -buttons -dress pants -shoes? -wig?
:iconhuxxxley: Paradox: Shizuka Donmeki 20% done School Uniform pattern Done -fabric -cut and sew -buttons -dress pants -shoes? -wig?
Tekken 6
:icontsuzukikun: Tsuzukikun : Asuka 15% done Have most fabric Need: -pattern -gloves -shoes -cut sew - :iconpink-bunnie: PinkBunnie: Lili 25% done Jacket pattern done, have fabric minus checkered print, have lace and ribbion, skirt pattern finished Need: -checkered print fabric, and red ribbing fabric -shoes -gloves -wig -cut and sew :icondekhal: PD: Miguel Caballero Rojo Need -pants -shoes -shirt -pattern and fabric for (fake) fur coat >.> maybe value village will have a coat -cut and sew
Fluffly: Lars Need -pants -shirt -lots of fabirc paint -gloves -shoes -to outline and paint design -hair glue :P
:iconhuxxxley: Paradox: Jin Need -Pants -shirt -shoes -hair glue -to find a leather coat at value village and replace the lining with red lining Sailor Moon
:icontsuzukikun: Tsuzukikun : Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion 25% done Have fabric for everything but wigs, pattern for skirt done started working on muslin for skirt Need -fabric and wire for wings -wig -beads for head piece -bra to cover with fabric -shoes to cover (need the fabric for that >.>) or smexky boots -paint bra and skirt -paint wings -cut and sew
:iconpink-bunnie: PinkBunnie: Guardian Cosmos 10% done have most fabric Need -Tones of beads -Wig -Contacts? -Shoes and to attach cute things to toe of shoes -hooping on order -Pattern will be made once I have hooping -Cut and sew -Bead head piece and bead skirt -Baithing suite body suet for under skirt
Commissions: :iconemerarudo-chan: 1 large and 2small Timcanpy Plushes for Emerarudo-chan 10 % done Have pattern for Timcanpy's body just need to alter it for wings tail and leggs -searching for fabric -cut sew paint on cross The Grave of Maria need Payment measurements fabric pattern cut sew
Day 35 - 72 days till sakura con
I had fun whipping this up on my tablet >.>
I didn't get as much as I wanted to get done last night, but I did start sewing. I'm planing on taking progress shots so I can give detail outlines of how I made the costumes. And maybe some tutorials when I'm done ^_^
Aspen's back from the pet hospital and omg I will never get a cat fixed again, I will only get spca cat's from now. I don't have nearly $200 in my back pocket thats ridiculousness it costing that much is not a preventative to having more kittens its more likely to cause more kittens.
to day I will sew more kimono, and probably cut a few things out, I also have to go to my old school and sign some things so I can be like bitches I want a year to my self to cosplay >.> ...... then I'll get some more tracing paper since I'm out again T.T I'm going to have to charge the boys for paper consumption. It's not cheap paper T.T
I will also be geting a new tv tomorrow hopefully so I can actually read the text on the tv >.> OMG whats that. My 20 inch baby has treated me good but its on its last picuter and I've never been able to read subtitles on it very well so here's hoping.
umm I think thats it for now ^_^
pink bunnie- out
sailor moon,
sakura con,
shamanic princess,
steam bunnie,
tekken 6,
Monday, January 18, 2010
Day 34 - 73 days till sakura con T.T
So how did you love my ridiculous list? a bunch of scribbles is what I feel, once I get some more time to work on costumes it should feel a lot better I hope to start sewing tomorrow and that always make me feel ten times better ^_^. It also means the house is going to turn into hurricane cosplay, fabric and props every where.
I haven't been very chatty lately just to tired trying to work on things and reserve some energy I guess, I get that way some times. Its a lot of work I need to focus I guess, blah work is drama stupid and I kinda want out of there blah blah o well
Aurora cut out the red part of my kimono for Yuko and I finished the pattern for Lili's skirt, now I just need some tracing paper cause I ran out >.> T.T and I can't makes patterns with out it. But all and all I'm still making lots of progress and thats what counts.
Meeting with Emerarudo-chan on Tuesday next week for measurements and I can get her costume under way. I'm thinking simple esk pattern one pieces for the outter ill use her waist measurement(or where the skirt is sitting) divided that into 6 our 8 then decided how wide the bottom will be divided that and viola make some gathers in the middle of the skirt. Ill make an under skirt in white where the hoops will be attached.
For her plushes I finally found a ball pattern so once i find the fabric I can get those done up and that will be under way :).
Hoping to get all the fabric for xxxholic and buttons because it will be easiest to finish their costumes first then Ill tackle shamanic princess. I'm very worried about getting Grahams armor done. I don't have a lot of help in that department other then Aurora and she's busy with painting and her own art work, and I want to do as much painting as I can since i don't get to do it often. I'm an artist to but people like to forget that :( I miss doing my art but sewing and pattern making has kinda taken over everything sadly. arg....
I want more time for everything T.T
Next is Sailor Moon theres no way I'm missing my chance to be Guardian Cosmos and I wants my shiny staff >.< " Tekken will be worried about last since the boys outfits should be easy to through together Once the fabric is purchased we shouldn't have to much trouble, but thats half the battle. Still need to order the last of the wigs. I want to try and get a new Asuka wig for my gothic lolita costumes so I can take some shots with Al if we get a chance. Pink Bunnie - on over load
Pink Bunnie,
Reva Dawn,
sailor moon,
sakura con,
shamanic princess,
tekken 6,
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Day 30-33 74 days left till Sakura Con
So this post is going to be a detailed outline of what I have done and what still needs to be done.
But first a little about the past 4 days since I was lame and didn't keep up with posting >.>, it was busy sorry.
Other then being completely fucked over at work with the worst shifts and only two weeks out of the past two months with my days off side by side. I've been ridiculously tired, its hard to get 17 costumes and now 4 commissions done T.T. I'll manage but I'm going to have a talk with my manager tomorrow he's trying to pull a fast one on me having me work 6 in a row days then giving me 1 only 1 day off then 4 more days of work i think or maybe 3 either way not happening I'm not a machine.
We had a semi party for P.D. (Plate Destroyer) on friday then saturday I was so tired I could barely move :(
Any ways I've been able to get a lot of fabric and some more patterns sorted out.
here goes epic list
Shamanic Princess
Tsuzukikun : Tiara 15% done Dress pattern done
-Shoe's for shoe pattern
-Fabric, Zipper
-Cut and sew
- Pink bows for hair
PinkBunnie: Lena 20% done Have Fabric for coat and dress, two packs of skullpy for flute
-Head Band
-3d circle things covered in fabric
-Cut and sew
-make flute
PD: Graham Need -Pattern for tunic -Fabric -plaster to make mask -to make mask and arm claws -Shoes for feet claws
-Cut and sew
-Create strips for bandage wrapping
Fluffly: Leon 15% done Pattern Done
-Fabric and bias tape for jacket
-White Pants
-Cut and sew
Paradox: Kagetsu 15% done Pattern Done
-Cut and sew xxxHolic Tsuzukikun : Himawari Kunogi 25% done
School Uniform pattern Done
-Cut and Sew
PinkBunnie: yuko Ichihara
Have kimono pattern, and pattern cut out
-bow patter
-cut and sew
-paint flower design
-necklace pattern
-purple bodice
PD: Black Makona
-hooping on order
-cut and sew
-clown shoes for to make feet
-large 3D half circle for jewel
-some way to see out of makona
Fluffly: Kimihiro Watanuki 20% done
School Uniform pattern Done
-cut and sew
-dress pants
Paradox: Shizuka Donmeki 20% done
School Uniform pattern Done
-cut and sew
-dress pants
Tekken 6 Tsuzukikun : Asuka 15% done
Have most fabric
-cut sew
PinkBunnie: Lili 25% done
Jacket pattern done, have fabric minus checkered print, have lace and ribbion
-checkered print fabric, and red ribbing fabric
-Skirt pattern
-cut and sew
PD: Miguel Caballero Rojo
-pattern and fabric for (fake) fur coat >.> maybe value village will have a coat
-cut and sew
Fluffly: Lars
-lots of fabirc paint
-to outline and paint design
-hair glue :P
Paradox: Jin
-hair glue
-to find a leather coat at value village and replace the lining with red lining Sailor Moon Tsuzukikun : Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion 15% done
Have fabric for everything but wigs, pattern for skirt done
-fabric and wire for wings
-beads for head piece
-bra to cover with fabric
-shoes to cover (need the fabric for that >.>) or smexky boots
-paint bra and skirt
-paint wings
-cut and sew
PinkBunnie: Guardian Cosmos 10% done
have most fabric
-Tones of beads
-Shoes and to attach cute things to toe of shoes
-hooping on order
-Pattern will be made once I have hooping
-Cut and sew
-Bead head piece and bead skirt
-Baithing suite body suet for under skirt Commissions: 1 large and 2small Timcanpy Plushes for Emerarudo-chan 10 % done
Need to figure out pattern for a round thing will google T.T
-searching for fabric
-cut sew paint on cross
The Grave of Maria :thumb140855747:
cut sew
Red Bunnie muhahahhhaah
Pink bunnie - going to get some sleep my insanity is catching up with me
Pink Bunnie,
Pink Bunnie ink,
Reva Dawn,
sailor moon,
sakura con,
shamanic princess,
steam bunnie,
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Day 29 - 77 days till Sakura con 2010
For some unknown reason I decided I wasn't under enough pressure with 17 costumes and 3 plush commissions to do. So I decided to see how many days I had till the convention 77 days everyone ugh .... can we say scary ????
Well the good news is I have every ones except plate destroyers patterns done for xxholic and shamanic princess. Well I do need to make the bow pattern for Yuko's obi but that should be fairly easy, and thankfully Graham's costume part is pretty easy minus the mask and claws >.> its just Mokona I that scars me a lot cause I've never done a mascot costume before, I'm planing on getting clown shoes for the feet and covering them in fabric( inserting foam around ankles for comfort). I'm also going to get muslin and trace the pattern on it well PD is laying on it, I'm going to use hoops to give it shape.
I finished the girls school uniform jacket pattern today YIPE!!!!! just need fabric, buttons and some bias tape and those can be finished in a matter of days.
I hope to get Yuko's fabric and pattern this week so I can sew up the kimono this month hopefully by the end of next week. But I have really shity ass shifts for getting work done so cross your fingers for me.
I also need everyone else's costume reference pics for Tekken, I don't want to start on those patterns till these set's are done. I will do the same once I start making the costumes, I'll make them in groups so that if one set docent get done we at least all match. I like to use my brain some times.
Aurora ordered my Yuko wig to day cause she loves me ^_^
You should check her out some time. Ok soo I think I'm off to a good start but I would feel better if I was sewing, I'll feel better once I'm sewing ^_^, and wigs are ordered and fabric has been purchased ..... and that I'm just more ahead then I am now >.>Pink Bunnie - thinking of moving me bed .....
and I did feel better when I play with feng shui a bit have to move a few things tomorrow though
Pink Bunnie,
Reva Dawn,
sailor moon,
sakura con,
shamanic princess,
steam bunnie,
steam punk,
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
DAy 28 - need some R&R
Today was another of my one days of T.T, it makes it a lot harder to recover from work when your days are split. Not to mention getting anything done I don't like starting big projects when I have to work the next day because I don't like to have to stop working. not to mention travel time between work, don't get me wrong I well I like my job to a degree I don't hate EVERYTHING about it but i have to wake up an extra hour early and then travel for 30 to 45 minutes depending on the day.
Now that I'm done ranting,
I was able to finish the pattern for Leon's (Shamanic Princess) jacket, I'll use a store bought pattern for the pants. As well as finish the school uniform Jacket for xxxHolic boys ^-^ I'm on a bit of a role yay !!!
I also got my tablet working finally and played around with that did a couple easy things for it like a icon pic and feature picture arrangement, and I'm playing with one of the pictures from my fashion shoot for my steam bunnie line.
Other then that I tried to relax as much as I could which wasn't much :(
Pink Bunnie - rolling into bed
Pink Bunnie,
Pink Bunnie ink,
Reva Dawn,
sailor moon,
sakura con,
shamanic princess,
steam bunnie,
steam punk,
tekken 6,
Monday, January 11, 2010
Day 27 - I <3 Fabric
I just love fabric all the colours and textures and then theres silk and velvet leather cotton I love every shape and bolt of it T.T
Soooo I went fabric shopping today I don't know if you can tell, but I really like what I do. REALLY like it :)
I was able to get the fabric for Lilis jacket and skirt as well as most her lace just need her larger lace and checkered black and red fabric as well as some red ribbing for socks for shoes.
I got some fabric for Guardian Cosmos I'm planing on doing a sheer see through fabric for her bubble skirt there will be a hope skirt underneath. Need to order hooping, I also got some beads pearl shape need to go to bead store to get some other colours. I got a gold lycra I will probably use as a bathing suite shape for the upper part of the dress I'm going to probably corset it and such. The thing about Guardian Cosmos is there is no colour scheme for her so I'm using reference of what people thing and what I believe it should be I feel it should be mostly white like cosmos with the beads being the multi colour and her upper part being gold. This is just what I've come up with though.
I was able to get fabric for Lena's dress for Shamanic princess, just need her coat fabric now. I also got her red flower for the coat ^_^.
along with all this I got Aurora's skirt fabric for Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion, just the pink not the blue and black. Its a beautiful pink silk a kind I cant remember the name to right now cause I'm sleepy. but it will drape beautifully.
I also managed to finish the pattern for Kigatsu's Jacket , I'm on fire that's 5 patterns done ^_^ I'm so proud of me :D. There's still a lot to do though so I will not be slacking of any time soon.
Pink Bunnie - DnD is my Dessert
It's cute and will only sleep on me when I'm on my side >.<
Soooo I went fabric shopping today I don't know if you can tell, but I really like what I do. REALLY like it :)
I was able to get the fabric for Lilis jacket and skirt as well as most her lace just need her larger lace and checkered black and red fabric as well as some red ribbing for socks for shoes.
I got some fabric for Guardian Cosmos I'm planing on doing a sheer see through fabric for her bubble skirt there will be a hope skirt underneath. Need to order hooping, I also got some beads pearl shape need to go to bead store to get some other colours. I got a gold lycra I will probably use as a bathing suite shape for the upper part of the dress I'm going to probably corset it and such. The thing about Guardian Cosmos is there is no colour scheme for her so I'm using reference of what people thing and what I believe it should be I feel it should be mostly white like cosmos with the beads being the multi colour and her upper part being gold. This is just what I've come up with though.
I was able to get fabric for Lena's dress for Shamanic princess, just need her coat fabric now. I also got her red flower for the coat ^_^.
along with all this I got Aurora's skirt fabric for Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion, just the pink not the blue and black. Its a beautiful pink silk a kind I cant remember the name to right now cause I'm sleepy. but it will drape beautifully.
I also managed to finish the pattern for Kigatsu's Jacket , I'm on fire that's 5 patterns done ^_^ I'm so proud of me :D. There's still a lot to do though so I will not be slacking of any time soon.
Pink Bunnie - DnD is my Dessert
It's cute and will only sleep on me when I'm on my side >.<
Pink Bunnie,
Pink Bunnie ink,
Reva Dawn,
sailor moon,
sakura con,
shamanic princess,
steam bunnie,
steam punk,
tekken 6,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Day 25 and 26
I'm having a hard time writing every day with all thats going on right now ... so Tired I should be asleep but instead I've been writing down what I need for fabric for each costume which is sad cause I really need sleep.
So I'm going to sum up what I've done in the past two days quickly
I finished the pattern for Lena's coat for Shamanic Princess yay it was not easy trust me T.T I want the drapes to be perfect.
Then I'm having a hard time choosing colours for Guardian Cosmos cause theres not actual colours for her outfit. I'm using sailor cosmos as reference and some original art work of guardian cosmos.
I'm luck I have still to cash in on a grade present of fabric so I'm hoping to get most my supplies with that *crosses fingers*
You better have what I need dresssew our else!!!
day to day,
Pink Bunnie,
Pink Bunnie ink,
Reva Dawn,
sailor moon,
shamanic princess,
steam bunnie,
steam punk,
tekken 6,
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Day 23 and 24
So I'm late posting for the past two days T.T very sorry, but good news is I have 3 patterns done now only god knows how many to go >.> 17 costumes probably 17 stitches to close the stab wound I might inflict with a seam ripper. I've already stabbed my self once by accident right in the web between my thumb and pointing finger :'( it hurt real bad I can tell you that much.
I know this is the morning of day 25 but I want to get caught up now before I start working on more patterns.
So Day 23
I made the pattern for my Lena from Shamanic Princess Dress, I'm hoping to make it from a knit or Lycra fabric. I've also thought of using a cotton base to give it more structure and better lines. The stretch fabric would fit snug to the body and might lay better around the collar but I think a cotton blend with no stretch would be more appealing around my mid drift so I can wear my waist cinching thing.
I also want to use a pre-maid pattern for Yuko's kimono because there's not much point making one if I don't have to. Its a lot of extra work for me, I'm hoping to sew up her kimono this month because of all the flower details that need to be painted on, I don't think I will find a fabric that will have the write print. I want as much time as possible to get it done.
Day 24
I work full time and am working on these costumes so I don't find enough energy everyday to work on them. So I try and think of ways to make it easier for me, what I need to do making lists and such.
Also this day was a emotionally draining day for me, I ended up cuddled under blankets eating KFC chicken and watching a movie with some friends. I'm dealing with some emotional stuff and I find it draining and I don't work well when I'm upset :( not to mention some one at work who seems to call in when ever their needed >.> like oh say on an add change over day. but yeah KFC was bad cause I'm trying to get in shape but when I'm upset junk food is what I crave like most girls T.T.
I also find it annoying when I say I want to do something and some one decides to take it away from me. They seem to do it over and over again, maybe I should stop trusting people with my ideas so I can keep them for my self.
Any who so I'm going to try and get a bunch done today on day 25 woot woot full of junk food and raring to go.
I've also been trying to get my tablet up and running but it seems to not like my mac so I hope to get some info from the wacom people I e-mailed to day so I can make it work and make pretty art work.
Pink Bunnie - cold KFC chicken tastes good :)
day to day,
Pink Bunnie,
Pink Bunnie ink,
Reva Dawn,
shamanic princess,
steam bunnie,
steam punk
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Day 22 - Con is near
Booked the Hotel today YAY we have a room at .... I'm not telling :P
I decided on my theme for my next collection ^_^ it will sound strange but there's reasons to my insanity, unfortunately only I know them. I chose to be inspired by something that is always been a stress reliever and a place i can escape to. I want to use Dungeons and Dragons as my inspiration along with the colours of produce and for highlights I might use Dice.
Theres a couple books at chapters I want to get my hands on for reference material, some gorgeous design books evening dresses and such. I will also be drawing a lot of inspiration from friends.
Thats all for today though so have a good night ^_^ you can check me out on Deviant Art as well
Pink Bunnie - down for the count
I decided on my theme for my next collection ^_^ it will sound strange but there's reasons to my insanity, unfortunately only I know them. I chose to be inspired by something that is always been a stress reliever and a place i can escape to. I want to use Dungeons and Dragons as my inspiration along with the colours of produce and for highlights I might use Dice.
Theres a couple books at chapters I want to get my hands on for reference material, some gorgeous design books evening dresses and such. I will also be drawing a lot of inspiration from friends.
Thats all for today though so have a good night ^_^ you can check me out on Deviant Art as well
Pink Bunnie - down for the count
Pink Bunnie,
Pink Bunnie ink,
Reva Dawn
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Day 21- The New Year
Sorry It's been so long since my last entry, it was a busy week :) New years was wonderful every one loved their presents, and I got a lot of wonderful presents.
With the new year comes resolutions to do things and such, I had already started on my path I want to be in better physical shape and I want to keep motivated with my costuming and designing.
We've done a bunch of research we've found most of the wigs for the female cosplay's, still working on getting reference pics for some costumes cause they are hard to find Shamanic Princess is an oldy and not know very well.
I guess I should tell you what we decided on cosplaying >.>
Shamanic Princess we have a Tiara, Lena, Greham, Kagustu, and Leon ( hope I spelled them almost right.
Tekken 6 : Lili, Auska, Leo, and I can't remember the other two names,
XXXholic : Main cast
Sailor Moon : Sailor Guardian Cosmos and Sailor Heavy Metal Papilion
I started working on patterns today, I've done up Tiara's skirt/shirt thing and Papilions skirt. For Tiara I have the basic outfit and I will draw in the heart shape on the muslin and then cut it out using the muslin as a base for the final pattern. For Papilion I made the skirt pattern hoping it will work always test them with cheap fabric first !!! like they do in fashion. For her top were going to use a good push up bra as a base and cover it with fabric.
I'll try to start on some more patterns in the next couple days and order some more wigs, I have to take Fluffy to Value Village to get some used coats for leather for his Leo costume at least I think he decided on that :S guh I need to speak to the boys
Oh yeah for Christmas I made two vest's one for Fluffly with blue lining, which has his name embroidered in it and one for Paradox it has a lapel collar and purple lining with his cosplay name in it. They both have steampunk buttons down the front, Fluffy has gears and Paradox has the insides of watches. I also made Plate destroyers girl friend and our friend a house coat with a canucks patch on it ( shes a fan)
Well I've been out of posting for a while sorry again I will try and get back to doing it everyday I want to work on designing my new collection tomorrow so I will start researching, not sure if I want to go with main stream couture fashion our another steampunk line.
Pink Bunnie - steaming off again
new year,
Pink Bunnie,
Pink Bunnie ink,
Reva Dawn,
sailor moon,
shamanic princess,
steam bunnie
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